If you would like to donate bluebird or other pictures relevant to the mission of NCBS, please submit digital photos of interest as attachments to:
Photos should be taken using the highest pixel value possible and be in either JPEG or PNG formats. Please include the following information with each photo submission:
- date/location/event photo was taken
- caption for the photo
- brief description related to the photo
- submitters name, address, phone number, and e-mail address
Persons submitting photos agree that photos submitted are legally their property, in compliance with all applicable laws, and grant NCBS (North Carolina Bluebird Society) permission to use them as deemed appropriate without restriction, payment, or liability. If the photos are used in the newsletter, website, or Facebook, the submitter will be acknowledged. All submitted photos will be stored in the NCBS photo archives and may be used in the future.
Phone Contact: If you have a problem sending an email to editor@ncbluebird.org, please call Glenda Ryan at 919-737-0301.
- We appreciate your interest in helping bluebirds.
- Have a wonderful day!